Concept of Debentures


As is common knowledge, a company’s primary source of funding is its stockholders. Share issuance is one way to raise this money. Owners of the corporation are those who possess shares of it; they are referred to as shareholders. The business might require additional funding for a while. It cannot continuously issue shares. It is able to solicit public loans. The loan amount can be split up into smaller units that the business can sell to the general public. Each unit is referred to as a “debenture,” and the person who owns them is known as a “debenture holder.” The sum thus raised serves as a loan for the business. The most significant tool and manner of financing.


Every firm, regardless of its size, need money to carry out a variety of business operations. In order to maintain efficient operation, there must be enough cash based on the company’s appetite. Companies use a variety of strategies to acquire money and capital, but some choose to issue debentures, particularly when long-term capital raising is required. The investors and owners of the company are the shareholders. The company must look for outside financing assistance as its equity assets are depleted. Some options include external commercial borrowing (ECB), debtentures, bank loans, and public fixed deposits. The Memorandum of Association contains a clause granting the company borrowing authority.

Debenture definition

The Latin verb “debere,” which meaning to borrow, is the root of the English word “debenture.” A debenture is a written document bearing the company’s common seal and acknowledging a debt. It includes a contract for the return of principal after a predetermined time period, at intervals, or at the company’s discretion, as well as for the payment of interest at a preset rate payable typically every six months or a year on set dates. The Companies Act of 1956’s section 2(12) defines “debenture” as any security issued by a company, including bonds, debenture inventory, and other securities, whether or not they represent a charge against the company’s assets. Bond is another word used in businesses with a similar perspective. A bond is a tool for acknowledging debt. Traditionally,
1. It is issued by the company itself and takes the form of a certificate of indebtedness. Typically, it places a charge on the company’s assets or undertaking. Typically, there is a fixed redemption date.

2. In contrast to shareholders, who have a claim to ownership of the company, holders of debentures are the company’s creditors.

3. Since the holders of the debentures are not the company’s owners, they have no right to direct how the business is run.

4. The holder of a debenture need not worry about the company’s profits or losses because they receive a fixed rate of interest on the principal amount every year regardless

Legal Requirements for Debentures

The most significant tool and approach used by the corporation to raise loan capital is a debenture. While the funds raised by debentures become a part of the company’s capital structure, they do not convert to share capital. Instead, they serve as documentation that the company is obligated to pay a specific amount with interest. Guidelines and Rules for Debentures Regulations for SEBI’s 2009 Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirement (ICDR) According to the SEBI Regulation 2009, “Specified Securities” refers to equity shares and convertible securities. A bond that can be traded for or converted into equity shares of a corporation after its maturity date is referred to as a “convertible security.”


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